Local Character Paddy O Conner Bell Ringer jpg 2022 10 18 001240

Paddy the Bell Ringer

At the turn of the 20th century, Patrick O’Connor had owned the fastest hansom cab horse in town, and was always first to reach the railway station as the train would pull in, taking most of the trade with him.

Paddy eventually became the town crier, or as Bourke locals called him, ‘Paddy the Bell Ringer’. He would walk about the streets ringing a large bell, announcing forthcoming horse sales, bazaars, race meetings and society balls.

In his later years, he lived a reclusive life in an old vacant shop in Mitchell Street, the present site of Morrall’s Bakery.

Paddy died in Bourke on February 20th, 1938 leaving no will. His few worldly possessions were therefore promptly auctioned.

For more information please contact the Back O' Bourke Information and Exhibition Centre

Kidman Way, Bourke NSW 2840

02 6872 1321